Embed your strategy systematically in your company’s cycles and processes.

The Strategy Handbook
The time has come to demystify the stigmas that have traditionally plagued institutionalized strategy,
and in a down-to-earth manner, unpack the value-added learnings from MBA programs and scholarly
textbooks to achieve obtainable results that actually matter...to you.
In this granular guide, you will be empowered to generate and execute business strategies through
the user-friendly charts, graphs, case studies, and learnings of others.

Unlearning Strategy
The approach and tools for making strategy have remained remarkably unchanged over the past half century.
This is a problem. Because the world has changed—and quite dramatically.
A key reason for this lack of change is that the strategy field has clung to a set of myths about
strategy that are so strong and convincing that they persist, no matter what.
In this compact book, Jeroen Kraaijenbrink takes you along the ten most persistent myths of strategy.
By breaking these myths one by one, this book questions your taken-for-granted ideas about strategy.

Strategy Consulting
Strategy consulting is one of the most highly respected and at the same time deeply detested
jobs on this planet. Despite all the attention and controversy, though, there is surprisingly little
written about it specifically.
To address this void, this book provides a comprehensive overview of
this fascinating profession. Relying on existing research,
it describes what strategy consulting is, where it comes from, how to effectively practice it and where
to take it into the future.

No More Bananas
In this age of fake news, individualism and information overload,
the certainties we relied on in the past are gone. We look to other for guidance, but our peers are unsettled too.
We are stuck in a vicious stress-cycle, and we turn bananas.
In this amiable, and open book,
you will be led on a journey out of Bananaland. Drawing from a range of sources, the book offers a
nine-step approach with some remarkably practical advice for keeping a cool head in the collective lunacy.
How the Strategy Sketch works
Generating a great, sustainable strategy is a complex and abstract challenge. The answer to
this challenge is an actionable canvas that puts your whole organization in perspective.
The Strategy Sketch, a strategy generation tool containing 10 elements,
encapsulates everything you need in order to build a strategy plan.

Strategy Sketch
A strategy generation tool that aids in determining the next best step for your organization.
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Strategy Manifesto
A testament on what Strategy should stand for and how it should be moving forwards.
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1-Minute Strategy Checklist
A checklist that intends to evaluate your strategy’s strengths and weaknesses in one minute.
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